Duke Health

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Fonts and Typefaces

The Sans is Duke Health’s approved font and should be used in all print pieces. Open Sans is the approved digital font.

Duke employees creating materials in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint can use Calibri Light as the font. Employees can gain access to our license for the font here.

Download TheSans Basic C5 OT font family at: fontshop.com. (Search > TheSans > TheSans Basic > TheSans Basic C5 OT - Purchase weights listed here, along with italic versions of each if needed.)

  • Vendors will need to take the appropriate legal steps to purchase and use The Sans font.

Headlines and text

Headlines should be either Duke Blue or black text. Body copy should be Duke Gray or black.

Applications to avoid

Below are typographic applications to avoid.

  • Avoid screening Duke Blue. Only use at 100%.
  • Avoid using secondary colors for type.
  • Avoid using colored type or Duke Blue shields on solid secondary colors.
  • Avoid using Duke Blue or Duke Sky Blue for body copy.
  • Avoid kerning or track letter spacing that is too tight or too open.
  • Avoid using italics for main headlines and body copy. Italics should be reserved for smaller captions and callouts.
  • Avoid hyphenating words to condense content. It is recommended to turn off hyphenation in paragraph settings.
  • Avoid using color type over color navigation buttons.