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Building health communities

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Connecting with the world to improve health globally

Community & Global Health

In committing to the mission of Advancing Health Together, we at Duke Health are signaling our aim to improve health in our communities. Building upon our strong network of collaborators and partners, we will support programs and projects with the highest potential for impact on the health and lives of populations around the world.

Community Health

In 1925, James B. Duke willed $4 million to establish Duke University Hospital and its medical school. His goal: to improve health care in the Carolinas, then a relatively poor region lacking in hospitals and care providers. Duke Health has devoted itself to that goal ever since, making sure that people across the region are able to get the medical care they need regardless of their ability to pay.

Community Health

Global Health

Since 2006, Duke has gained a reputation as an international leader in global health research and education. Under the leadership of the Duke Global Health Institute, faculty and students are working to reduce health inequities in our local communities and around the world.

Global Health