Duke Health

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Promotional Items

You can brand your apparel, event display items or giveaway items with the Duke Health logo or other approved Duke Health entity or clinical service logos or department lockups. 

Please follow general Duke Health brand guidelines when ordering these items. 

Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind when branding apparel, event display or giveaway items:

  • Fabric and materials should be as close to Duke Blue as possible. Grey or white T-shirts are also acceptable. 
  • Scale the Duke Health logo proportionally to the item.
  • Use only approved Duke Health logos and fonts.
  • Keep supporting text and graphics to a minimum.

Ordering apparel, event display or giveaway items

Duke's Trademark Licensing Policy requires that all items bearing Duke's names, trademarks, logos or images be purchased only from Duke Licensees.

View a list of Duke licensees.

Steps to order items with Duke's name and/or trademarks     

  1. The Duke Licensee will request that you answer a short list of questions which will provide the information needed to process your order.
  2. The Duke Licensee will create mock-ups of the item(s) you would like to order. Those mock-ups will be shared with you and Duke's Office of Trademark Licensing for review.
  3. The review and approval process with Duke's Office of Trademark Licensing usually takes 2-4 business days. However, you should always try to allow up to 2 weeks for this review to ensure you receive your items within your desired timeline.
  4. The Duke Licensee will receive approval for the item(s) or details on needed changes from Duke's Office of Trademark Licensing.
  5. Upon final approval from Duke's Office of Trademark Licensing, the Duke Licensee will then process your order.