Duke Health

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Duke Health is committed to diversity, belonging and inclusion.

A great workplace is one in which everyone feels included. That’s not just feel-good talk; it’s science. Research has demonstrated time and again that a feeling of belonging is one of the strongest drivers of engagement and that diverse teams get better results. There is an innovation component as well: working with people who are different from us challenges our brains to learn new ways of thinking and sharpen our performance.

At Duke Health, diversity is one of our core values. We know that providing world-class healthcare depends on the exchange of ideas — which only happens when we draw out and draw upon the rich diversity of our backgrounds, cultures, identities and experiences.

But reaching this state of affairs does not just happen; it takes work. We must actively foster inclusion by making sure everyone feels safe and welcome, all contributions are respected and all voices are heard.

So we search for diverse talent. We encourage authenticity. We make it safe to propose new ideas and empower all team members to make decisions. And we build bridges by making crucial connections between people and groups.

Learn more about our commitment to diversity in our 2023 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Impact Report - and our Moments to Movement initiative below.

Moments to Movement

M2M is Duke Health’s collective stand against systemic racism and injustice. The name signifies going beyond passive moments of reflection and becoming more active as we build a movement to make lasting change for our patients, their loved ones and each other.


Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas—an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values.

This statement was created by the Duke community and approved by the Board of Trustees in 2017. You will find it prominently displayed throughout the organization, including on all of our job postings.