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Moments to Movement

Moments to Movement (M2M) is Duke Health’s collective stand against systemic racism and injustice. The name signifies going beyond passive moments of reflection and becoming more active as we build a movement to make lasting change for our patients, their loved ones and each other. Moments to Movement is our pledge to stand against racism in all its forms, to be self-aware and to make equitable choices daily. That is how we create a community that is stronger, healthier and more just.


   Our Anti-Racism Pledge

Team members reaffirmed their commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity on the first anniversary of Duke Health's Moments to Movement initiative to end systemic racism.


Read our anti-racism pledge: (English) (Spanish)


   Milestones and Momentum

Documenting M2M's First year

The senseless murder of George Floyd gave birth to a movement — around the globe and right here at Duke Health.

In the months since that day, we’ve been working to make ourselves and our communities stronger, healthier and more just. A new video chronicles our first year of dedicating ourselves to this change.


Told through the perspective of 17 team members from across Duke Health, the 28-minute documentary covers three questions:
What does it mean to you that Duke Health has chosen to take a stand against racism?
What changes have you seen during the past year?
What do you hope to see from Duke Health in the future?

Participants also share what they most want their colleagues to know about why it’s so important to stand against racism and for health equity. Watch the video to learn more about our commitment and see who you may know.

Progress to Date

Awakening. Building. Creating. Expanding.
Get to know our key accomplishments so far as we look to the journey ahead.