Staff Memo: Relief Efforts for Hurricane Katrina Victims
From the archives. Content may be out of date.
The following memo was sent on Aug. 31 to the Duke
Medicine community from Victor J. Dzau, MD, chancellor for
health affairs and president and CEO, Duke University Health
Our hearts go out to those who live, work and study along
the Gulf Coast as we watch with dismay the absolute devastation
from Hurricane Katrina. I know you join me in wanting to help
those whose lives have been disrupted by the disaster. We have
been in contact with the major national relief agencies and not
unexpectedly, they are urging that the public make cash
contributions which they can disperse where the needs are
The Federal Disaster Coordinating Center in NC has been
activated, which means that hospitals (including those in our
health system) across NC could possibly receive some of the
2,500 people in Louisiana alone who are in need of medical
attention. Duke Medicine is also prepared to send a team of
health care professionals to Louisiana as part of the State
Medical Assistance Team. The team, which includes
representatives from Duke Hospital, Durham Regional Hospital,
and Duke Health Raleigh Hospital, is prepared to leave as early
as Friday to assist in setting up a field hospital outside of
New Orleans.
I know that the university is considering how best to
coordinate many outreach efforts to support those affected by
the hurricane and we will work closely with these plans as they
For those of you who have family and friends in the affected
areas, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you
and your loved ones during this difficult time. I urge every
member of the Duke Medicine family to do what you can to help
those whose lives have been so disrupted by this disaster.
Listed below are some of the agencies that you might want to
consider donating to.
Red Cross
Phone: 1-800-HELP-NOW
Mail: Make checks payable to Central North Carolina
American Red Cross
P.O. Box 52509,
Durham 27717-2509
American Red Cross
100 North Peartree Lane
Raleigh, NC 27610
The Red Cross is also asking for additional blood
Salvation Army
Phone: 1-800-SAL-ARMY
Checks: send checks, earmarked 'disaster relief,' to:
P.O. Box 4857
Jackson, MS 39296-4857
FOODBANK of Central & Eastern North Carolina is
accepting paper goods, single-serving snacks, cleaning
supplies, peanut butter, single-serving meals that do not
require refrigeration. Drop-off sites are at:
708 Gilbert Street, Durham (919-956-2513)
3808 Tarheel Drive, Raleigh (919-875-0707)
HELPING HANDS -- A local organization is collecting gloves,
shovels, water, toiletries and nonperishable foods to be taken
into disaster areas. Donations may be dropped off at:
Helping Hand Mission
623 Rock Quarry Road in Raleigh through Sept 5.
Call 919-829-8048 for more info.
We will keep you apprised during the coming days and weeks
about our efforts to help our neighbors to the South.