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Leadership Changes at Duke University Hospital

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Leadership Changes at Duke University Hospital
Leadership Changes at Duke University Hospital

September 23, 2003

TO: DUHS Managers and Staff

FROM: William J. Donelan
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Duke University Health System

William J. Fulkerson, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Duke University Hospital

RE: Leadership Changes

We are writing to inform you of changes in the roles and responsibilities of two key members of the DUHS leadership team.

Mr. Donelan has asked Bobby Clapp to return to the position of Associate Vice President of DUHS that Mr. Clapp left in 2000 when he was asked to serve as Chief Operating Officer of Duke University Hospital. In returning to this Health System role, Mr. Clapp will work closely with Mr. Donelan in strategic clinical program implementation and in the general administration of DUHS. These responsibilities will include developing a high level of coordination and communication among clinical chairs and division chiefs, senior leadership of the hospitals, clinical service units, the Private Diagnostic Clinic, and the leadership of the School of Medicine in clinical program initiatives across the Health System. Mr. Clapp is well prepared and experienced for this role, and he will contribute significantly to our collective success.

Duke Hospital is today a stronger institution because of Bobby's many contributions and we are grateful to him for strengthening the CSU model of management and for championing work culture improvement initiatives within DUH.

Dr. Fulkerson has asked Kevin Sowers to serve as the Chief Operating Officer of Duke University Hospital, as Bobby Clapp moves to his new duties. Mr. Sowers will leave his responsibilities as Associate Vice President of DUHS to serve as the COO of DUH. As most of you know, Mr. Sowers has done an excellent job as the interim CEO of Durham Regional Hospital for the last eight months and he is preparing to transition those responsibilities to David McQuaid, the new CEO, in mid-October. Mr. Sowers is a strong and effective administrator with clinical experience and an extensive knowledge of the operations of Duke Hospital and we anticipate a smooth transition in this key leadership role.

The transition of responsibilities resulting from these management assignments will be staged over the weeks ahead. We are pleased that both Bobby and Kevin are excited about the opportunity to apply their individual talent and demonstrated ability to the crucial needs of DUHS and its flagship Duke University Hospital.

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