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Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort Update #4: Events at Duke

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Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort Update #4: Events at Duke
Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort Update #4: Events at Duke

The following memo was sent on Sept. 7 to the Duke Medicine community from Victor J. Dzau, MD, chancellor for health affairs and president and CEO, Duke University Health System, and William J. Fulkerson, MD, MBA, CEO, Duke University Hospital and vice president for acute care, Duke University Health System:

The Medical Center News Office has set up a web log (blog) that allows the Duke teams on the ground in Mississippi to post messages about how things are progressing. The site also allows Duke faculty, staff and family members to post messages of encouragement. The web site is at dukemedteams.blogspot.com.

In addition to the Duke teams at work in Mississippi, there are many activities going on here at Duke that allow our entire community to respond to this disaster. Information about events and opportunities to assist are posted on the Duke University Health System intranet. In addition, Duke University has set up a web page to help the Duke community stay aware of what is happening throughout campus. Please check these sites often to stay abreast of relief efforts.

Today's events include a multicultural, multi-faith service of consolation to be held at Duke University Hospital from 3 - 5 p.m. Attached is a flyer with more information.

Duke has set up a website for clinical faculty and staff to offer their services should the federal government ask Duke to provide additional staffing.

Please note that those who volunteer for disaster relief through other organizations such as the Red Cross or churches will not be covered by applicable Duke and federal policies for pay and benefits coverage. If you wish to take time off from work to volunteer with these agencies, you must arrange Paid Time Off with your manager.

Please check the intranet for information about how medical personnel can volunteer through other agencies and for a list of local organizations that are collecting donations of money or supplies.

If you are unable to access the intranet, please email Marsha Green and the information will be forwarded directly to you by fax or email.

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