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Dr. Robert Murrah Named President of Duke Medical Alumni Association

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Dr. Robert Murrah Named President of Duke Medical Alumni Association
Dr. Robert Murrah Named President of Duke Medical Alumni Association

DURHAM, N.C. - Dr. Robert L. Murrah Jr. of Winter Park, Fla., has been named president of the Duke Medical Alumni Association, which includes more than 4,900 Duke University School of Medicine graduates and more than 5,700 former trainees.

Murrah, a 1983 graduate of the Duke School of Medicine, has practiced since 1990 as an orthopedic surgeon in Winter Park and Orlando, and he has also served as chief of orthopedic surgery at Winter Park Memorial Hospital.

Murrah is a native of Atlanta. He also attended Duke as an undergraduate and received part of his surgical training at Duke University Medical Center. He received his orthopedic training at Union Memorial-Johns Hopkins Hospitals and sports medicine specialty training at Michigan State University and at Duke. Since 1995 he has been a member of the board of directors of the Southern Orthopaedic Association, the Executive Council of the Florida Orthopaedic Society, and president of the Citrus Orthopaedic Society. He is the team physician at both Winter Park and Oviedo High Schools and staff physician for Camp Seagull.

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