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Updated: Duke Med Experts Available

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Updated: Duke Med Experts Available
Updated: Duke Med Experts Available

Duke University Medical Center experts on occupational health, toxicology, biohazards, anger, stress management, post-traumatic stress and other psychological issues are available for media interviews. Among these experts are:

Redford B. Williams, M.D., director, Behavioral Medicine Research Center, professor of psychiatry, professor of psychology, has expertise in anger and stress management issues. His research centers on the effects of psychosocial factors (stress, anger, social support, job strain, road/airplane rage, etc) on physical health and disease, ways to manage stress and improve health, and gene-environment interactions mediating stress effects on health, (919) 684-3863, redfordw@duke.edu.

John Fairbank, Ph.D., associate professor of psychiatry, who has expertise in trauma and post-traumatic stress syndrome, (919) 687-4686, ext. 265.

Harold Kudler, M.D., assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral science, is an expert in post-traumatic stress disorder. 919) 286-6933, (919) 684-5466.

John March, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry, specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry. He has expertise in children an adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other anxiety disorders, (919) 971-1341, (919) 684-4950, jsmarch@acpub.duke.edu.

Jean Spaulding, M.D., child and adolescent psychiatrist and Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs, has expertise in trauma and grief counseling, (919) 681-6591.

Muki Fairchild, MSW, director of the department of social work, has expertise in how people can help children understand and deal with these traumatic events, (919) 684-4094.

Andy Silberman, clinical associate in community and occupational medicine,
has expertise in communicating with children about traumatic events, (919) 416-1727

Becky Smith, a social worker and clinical research coordinator, can assist with questions regarding post-traumatic stress, (919) 684-4266.

Wayne T. Thomann, Ph.D. assistant clinical professor of Community and Family Medicine in the division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, can address environmental safety issues. He can be reached by phone at (919) 684-6320 or by e-mail at thoma010@mc.duke.edu.

Debra L. Hunt, assistant clinical professor of Community and Family Medicine in the division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-General, is director of Biological Safety for Duke. She can be reached by phone at (919) 684-8822 or by e-mail at hunt0009@mc.duke.edu.

Emergency medicine, trauma, respiratory and pulmonary experts also are available for media interviews.

Please contact the Duke University Medical Center News Office at (919) 684-4148 for additional assistance.

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