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Teddy Bear Ball Benefiting Duke Children's Hospital Dec. 3

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Teddy Bear Ball Benefiting Duke Children's Hospital Dec. 3
Teddy Bear Ball Benefiting Duke Children's Hospital Dec. 3

DURHAM, N.C. -– The 15th annual Teddy Bear Ball, which benefits Duke
Children's Hospital & Health Center, will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 3, at the Durham Marriott at the Civic Center. Proceeds
from the event will benefit pediatric programs at Duke Children's.

the 15-year history of the black tie event, more than $2 million has
been raised for pediatric research at Duke. Last year's ball raised
more than $315,000.

Teddy bears will be paired with more than 300
items –- ranging from jewelry to sports memorabilia to getaways –- and
auctioned to the highest bidders. Some features of the live auction are
a New York trip City package that includes four box seats to a Yankees
game, a ski trip to Vail, Colo., as well as a chance to be a
one-episode walk-on member of the cast of Jeff Foxworthy's "Blue Collar
TV" television program.

The final auction item of the evening
will be the "Dream" quilt, a hand-made three-panel quilt that weaves
together panels of thoughts and dreams designed and hand-beaded by
patients at Duke Children's.

Duke Children's Hospital &
Health Center is one of the largest children's charities in the
Southeast, providing more than $48 million in unreimbursed charity
medical care each year. For more information on the Duke Children's
Teddy Bear Ball, call (919) 667-2578.

Information about Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center can be found at www.dukechildrens.org.

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