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Quadruplets Born at Duke University Hospital

archive alert From the corporate.dukehealth.org archives. Content may be out of date.

Quadruplets Born at Duke University Hospital
Quadruplets Born at Duke University Hospital

DURHAM, N.C. -- A woman from Wendell, N.C. delivered
quadruplets this morning at Duke University Hospital. The
infants are being cared for in the hospital's neonatal
intensive care unit, and the condition of each is listed as
serious. Their mother, Leslie Pollard, 28, is listed in good

The infants -- two boys and two girls -- were born via
Caesarean section at about 5:00 a.m. Their birth weights ranged
from 2 pounds 2 ounces to 2 pounds 10 ounces. They are
breathing with the assistance of breathing tubes and mechanical
ventilators, and they have been placed in incubators to help
regulate their body temperatures.

Richard Auten, M.D., a Duke neonatologist who is caring for
the infants, said their prognosis is very good and that the
need for respiratory support is normal for babies of this

Leslie and her husband, Jeff Pollard, 30, named the babies
Jack, Joshua, Morgan and Mandi. The quads were born at 28 weeks
gestation. A normal pregnancy is approximately 40 weeks.

This is the first set of quadruplets born at Duke University
Hospital since 2004.

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