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Medical Aspects of Terrorism Webcast Now Available Online

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Medical Aspects of Terrorism Webcast Now Available Online
Medical Aspects of Terrorism Webcast Now Available Online

The Nov. 26 Duke University Medical Center forum on medical
aspects of terrorism is now available in webcast format at

The program began with comments from Dr. R. Sanders
Williams, dean of the Duke University School of Medicine.

Dr. Barton Haynes, chair of the department of medicine at
Duke University Medical Center and director of the Duke Human
Vaccine Institute, and Dr. Joseph Heitman, associate professor
of genetics, pharmacology and cancer biology, DUMC and an
investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
moderated the forum, which featured the following topics and
Duke speakers:

Medical aspects of bioterrorism - Dr. Keith Kaye, director
of hospital infection control, Duke Hospital, and assistant
professor, division of infectious diseases

Medical aspects of chemical toxins used in terrorism - Dr.
Woodhall "Sandy" Stopford, assistant clinical professor,
community and occupational medicine, department of community
and family medicine

Medical aspects of radiation in terrorism -- Randy Jirtle,
professor, department of radiation oncology

Psychological responses to terrorism -- John Fairbank,
associate professor, department of psychiatry and behavioral

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