Duke Medical Center Experts Available for Terrorism-Related Interviews
From the corporate.dukehealth.org archives. Content may be out of date.
Following is an overview of Duke University Medical Center
staff who are available for interviews about topics including
psychological responses to terrorism, bioterrorism, anthrax and
environmental safety.
To arrange interviews, please contact the Duke University
Medical Center News Office at (919) 684-4148.
Mental Health
Redford B. Williams, M.D., director, Behavioral Medicine
Research Center, professor of psychiatry, professor of
psychology. Expertise is in anger and stress management issues.
His research centers on the effects of psychosocial factors
(stress, anger, social support, job strain, road/airplane rage,
etc.) on physical health and disease, ways to manage stress and
improve health, and gene-environment interactions mediating
stress effects on health.
John Fairbank, Ph.D., associate professor of psychiatry.
Expertise is in trauma and post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Harold Kudler, M.D., assistant clinical professor of
psychiatry and behavioral science. Expert in post-traumatic
stress disorder.
John March, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry,
specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry. He has
expertise in children and adolescents with post-traumatic
stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other
anxiety disorders.
Jean Spaulding, M.D., child and adolescent psychiatrist and
Vice Chancellor of Health Affairs. Expertise in pediatric
trauma and grief counseling.
Muki Fairchild, MSW, director of the department of social
work. Expertise in how people can help children understand and
deal with traumatic events.
Andy Silberman, clinical associate in community and
occupational medicine. Expertise in communicating with children
about traumatic events.
Becky Smith, a social worker and clinical research
coordinator. Expertise is in post-traumatic stress.
Lisa Amaya-Jackson, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Child and
Adolescent Trauma Evaluation, Research and Treatment Program
and an assistant professor in psychiatry and behavioral
science. Expertise is in child/family health.
Environmental Safety
Debra L. Hunt, D.P.H., director of Biological Safety for
Duke, assistant clinical professor of Community and Family
Medicine in the division of Occupational and Environmental
Woodhall "Sandy" Stopford, M.D., M.S.P.H., assistant
clinical professor, community and occupational medicine,
department of community and family medicine.
Wayne T. Thomann, Ph.D., assistant clinical professor of
Community and Family Medicine in the division of Occupational
and Environmental Medicine. Expert in environmental safety
Jerry Tulis, Ph.D., emeritus professor of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine. Expertise in the detection and
prevention of adverse health effects in the occupational and
environmental settings as a result of exposure to biohazardous
agents and materials.
Radiation in Terrorism
Randy Jirtle, Ph.D., professor of radiation oncology.
Expertise is effects of radiation exposure.
Anthrax, Smallpox and Other Biohazardous Materials
Terry Dixon, Ph.D., M.D., Dixon is the senior author of
"Anthrax," an article published in the Sept. 19, 1999 issue of
the New England Journal of Medicine that explores the
pathogenesis of anthrax. In the article, Dixon and colleagues
define cutaneous anthrax, gastrointestinal and oropharyngeal
anthrax, inhalational anthrax and anthrax meningitis. They also
explore methods of diagnosis and options for prevention and
treatment. The NEJM article is posted at:
Wolfgang K. (Bill) Joklik, Ph.D., professor emeritus of
microbiology. Dr. Joklik (pronounced "Yaak-lick") was chairman
of microbiology and immunology for 25 years. In the 1980s and
1990s, he was involved in WHO discussions to eradicate the
smallpox virus from the world. He is a member of the Institute
of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences. His research
interests include: molecular virology and molecular cell
biology, particularly the nature and arrangement of genetic
material and the manner in which the expression of the
information that it encodes is regulated, both at the level of
transcription and at the level of translation.
Samuel L. Katz, M.D., vaccinologist who, since 1956, has
been involved in research, development and public policy
regarding vaccines in the U.S. and internationally through the
World Health Organization. In the laboratories of Nobel
Laureate John Enders, he was a member of the team that
developed the measles vaccine. Prior to the discontinuation of
routine smallpox vaccination in this country, he participated
in studies of a further modified vaccinia preparation in hopes
of reducing the unusual complications that can occur with
smallpox vaccine. He is currently a member of the World Health
Organization's Committee on Vaccines; co-chairman of the
India-U.S. Vaccine Action Program; and a liaison member of the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for
Disease Control, among other related activities. He has 45
years of experience in national and international areas of
vaccine policy and implementation. Through the Institute of
Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences he has chaired, or
been a member of, at least four committees that have dealt with
vaccine policy in this country and abroad, its financing as
well as its science. He is currently a member of a group
investigating the availability of vaccines for the military. He
also serves on the Bioterrorism Working Group of the Infectious
Diseases Society of America.
Keith Kaye, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor in the
Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Medicine.
Expertise in anthrax transmission, symptoms and all other
matters regarding anthrax.
Christopher W. Woods, M.D., fellow in Infectious Diseases
and Medical Microbiology. He was an Epidemic Intelligence
Service officer with the Meningitis and Special Pathogens
Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from
1997-99. He has performed outbreak investigations in sub-Sahara
Africa, the Indian sub-continent, Central Asia and throughout
the United States. He has also evaluated a series of outbreaks
of cutaneous anthrax in the Central Asian Republic of
Kazakhstan (data presented at the American Society of Tropical
Medicine meeting in 1999). He was also involved in several
bioterrorism preparedness activities carried out while with the
Additionally, Duke has a specialist who was a member of the
FDA advisory board that approved CIPRO, the antibiotic given to
some anthrax victims. To find out more information about how to
contact this person, call Richard Puff at the Medical Center
News Office at (919) 668-1889.