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Four Duke Med Faculty Honored as Scientific Association Fellows

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Four Duke Med Faculty Honored as Scientific Association Fellows
Four Duke Med Faculty Honored as Scientific Association Fellows

DURHAM, N.C. -– Four Duke University Medical Center faculty
members have been selected as 2003 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement
of Science
, the world's largest general federation of

The new Duke fellows are among 348 AAAS members
internationally to be selected this year for the honor by their
peers. The selections were announced Thursday (Oct. 30,

Duke's new fellows, and their selection citations,

-- Anthony R. Means, Ph.D., Nanaline H. Duke Professor of
Pharmacology, "for fundamental studies of cellular signaling,
particularly for demonstrating that calmodulin is the primary
intercellular receptor for calcium and the mediator of its
intracellular functions."

-- Keith M. Sullivan, M.D., James B. Wyngarden Professor of
Medicine, "for distinguished contributions to the field of
human allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, particularly for
extensive studies of the prevention and treatment of
graft-versus-host disease."

-- Marilyn
J. Telen
, M.D., Wellcome Professor of Medicine, "for
distinguished contributions to the study of erythrocyte
membrane proteins, particularly for identification of the
proteins that bear five independent blood group antigen

-- Samuel A. Wells Jr., M.D., Professor of Surgery, "for
fundamental investigations in endocrine oncology, particularly
the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes, MEN2a, MEN2b, and
familial medullary thyroid carcinoma, and the role of
prophylactic thyroidectomy."

Founded in 1848, the AAAS works to advance science for human
well being through its projects, programs and publications. Its
publications include "Science," a peer-reviewed research
journal considered among the world's most prestigious.

The tradition of AAAS fellows began in 1874. Under current
guidelines, association members can be nominated by steering
groups from the AAAS's 24 sections, by any three current
fellows outside the nominee's institution or by the AAAS chief
executive officer.

The final list of nominees is forwarded to the AAAS Council,
the association's policy making body.

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