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Duke Health CEO Featured at Innovation and Health Conference

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Duke Health CEO Featured at Innovation and Health Conference
Duke Health CEO Featured at Innovation and Health Conference

DURHAM, N.C. -- Duke University Health System CEO Ralph Snyderman, M.D., will be among the speakers at a Nov. 20 executive summit in New York titled "Innovation: Its Impact on Delivering Health Care in a Patient-Driven Environment."

The event, which begins at 9 a.m. at the Plaza Hotel, Fifth Avenue at 59th Street, is open to the news media. It will be an interactive forum involving leading business executives and a distinguished panel of speakers from academia and the corporate arena. Speakers will discuss how innovation has affected the delivery of health care in a complex and dynamic marketplace.

Snyderman, chancellor of health affairs and president and CEO of the Duke Health System, will at 1:30 p.m. present "Prospective Health Care: Fulfilling the Promise of Medicine," concerning a new initiative at Duke.

The program will be moderated by David Kessler, M.D., dean of Yale University School of Medicine and former FDA Commissioner.

Other panelists and the titles of their presentations include:

J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., chairman of the Institute for Genomic Research, "Genomics and Future Applications in Medicine"

Uwe Reinhardt, Ph.D., James Madison Professor of Political Economy, Princeton University, "Economic Implications of innovation on Health Care Delivery"

Barbara McNeil, M.D., Ridley Watts Professor and Founding Head of the Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, "Health Costs, New Technology Utilization and Challenges for the Future"

Thomas P. MacMahon, president and CEO of Laboratory Corporation of America, "PCR Technology Case Study"

Ian Morrison, Ph.D., senior fellow and president emeritus, Institute for the Future,
"The Future of Health Care and Succeeding in the New Market Reality."

The event is sponsored by Bracco Diagnostics, Inc.

Press registration and interviews: To register for the conference or obtain program details, please contact Kirk Deeter at (303) 838-8708 or kirkdeeter@aol.com. One-on-one interviews with Snyderman can be arranged in advance or on-site by contacting Jeff Molter. To arrange interviews with other panelists, contact Kirk Deeter.

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