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"60 Minutes" to Feature Duke Medical Center’s Brain Tumor Center

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"60 Minutes" to Feature Duke Medical Center’s Brain Tumor  Center
"60 Minutes" to Feature Duke Medical Center’s Brain Tumor  Center

The news program "60 Minutes" will feature the Duke Medical Center's Brain Tumor Center on Sunday, April 7. The program airs at 7 p.m. EDT on CBS. The Brain Tumor Center (BTC) is the largest program of its type in the nation, currently treating more than 1,900 pediatric and adult patients with brain tumors, with many having come from around the world.

The special 40-minute story will profile three patients as they receive their treatments at the BTC. Drs. Henry Friedman, Allan Friedman and Darell Bigner, as well as several staff members, were interviewed to help tell the story of brain tumor research and treatment at Duke.

To learn more about treatment options available at the Duke Brain Tumor Center or to make an appointment, please call (919) 684-5301 or visit http://cancer.duke.edu/btc/.

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