Duke Health

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Request Design Support

Research Marketing Material Creation

For information and support marketing and advertising your clinical research study or creating participant-facing materials, please reach out to the Recruitment Innovation Center (RIC). The RIC provides free support to study teams planning or needing to enhance awareness, engagement, recruitment and retention to their research projects.

Materials to Promote Clinical Research Studies

Duke employees who need design assistance with brochures, flyers, templates, rack cards, or posters to promote clinical studies and research may contact Pitch Story Lab for assistance. Please complete this form with details of the project including finalized content that is ready for design. 

Patient Education Materials

The DUHS Patient and Family Education Governance Council helps ensure our patient education materials are consistent and best meet the needs of all our patients by using the best practices of health literacy. 

All Other Design Requests

For all other creative design needs, please email HelloBrand@duke.edu for assistance.