Shilpa P. Shelton, MHA, FACHE

Shilpa Shelton, MHA, FACHE, is Associate Vice President for Musculoskeletal & Spine Services at Duke University Health System.
Prior to this role, Shelton was the vice president for Duke University Hospital and provided senior administrative oversight for neuroscience and orthopedic clinical services, including procedural and diagnostic services such as neurodiagnostic services, pain services, and physical therapy and occupational therapy services. In addition, she oversees hospital-based outpatient clinics for orthopaedic trauma, spine and pain services.
Prior to being appointed to vice president, Shelton served as senior strategic services associate and led strategic planning efforts for the integration of the newly formed Duke University Health System. In prior roles, she spearheaded operations improvement initiatives and breakthrough clinical quality improvement. In addition, she has successfully led several financial turn-around initiatives, as well as hospital-wide physician satisfaction initiatives.
She received her undergraduate degree in biology from Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts and her master’s in health care administration from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Shelton completed her Administrative Fellowship at Mercy Health System in Michigan.
Shelton is a Fellow of the American College of Health Care Executives and served on its National Chapter Leaders Committee. She is Past President of the Triangle Healthcare Executive Forum. Shelton also served as an adjunct faculty member for Pfeiffer University’s MHA/MBA program teaching Healthcare Finance. She is often a speaker at Fuqua School of Business’ Health Sector Management Program, as well as orthopedic conferences across the country.