Lori Pickens
Lori Pickens, is the Associate Vice President, Oncology Services for Duke University Health System, as well as Administrator and Associate Dean, Duke Cancer Institute, Duke University School of Medicine.Previously she served as Assistant Vice President, Clinical Programs, Duke Cancer Institute. Pickens joined Duke in 2007, serving as Director of the Duke Raleigh Cancer Center and in 2009 was named Administrative Director for the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center.Before coming to Duke, she served as CEO of the American Lung Association of Missouri. Pickens also served as a director for a health plan operated by BJC Health System and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.Prior to her transition into health care, Pickens spent more than 12 years working in corporate America in a variety of management capacities. She received her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, and her MHA from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, followed by an administrative fellowship at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan.