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Update on Americans Hurt in London Bombings; News Conference Today at 2:30 P.M.

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Update on Americans Hurt in London Bombings; News Conference Today at 2:30 P.M.
Update on Americans Hurt in London Bombings; News Conference Today at 2:30 P.M.

Gregory Georgiade, M.D., one of the surgeons caring for Emily and Katie Benton, will brief reporters and answer questions about the women's injuries today at 2:30 p.m. EST. The news conference will be held at Hanes House, at the corner of Erwin Road and Trent Drive on the campus of Duke University Medical Center.

Emily and Katie, two sisters from Knoxville, Tennessee, were injured in the London terrorist bombings last Thursday. They were flown to Duke University Hospital yesterday from Charing Cross Hospital in London, where they had received initial medical treatment.

The women had been seated about 10 feet from the bomb that exploded in a subway car near Edgware Road. Both sustained blast and shrapnel injuries. Upon their arrival yesterday at Duke, the women were evaluated by a team of trauma surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, and other specialists. The women are in stable condition.

Recent photos of Emily and Katie, provided by their family, can be found at www.dukemednews.org.

For directions to Hanes House, go to www.dukemednews.org, click on "about us," and then click on "map and directions."

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