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Tobacco News Conference

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Tobacco News Conference
Tobacco News Conference

DURHAM, N.C. -- Duke University will host a one-day conference on Friday, Aug. 23, to discuss the scientific and public health implications of Eclipse, a new product which primarily heats tobacco rather than burning it.

Scientists from R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. (RJR), of Winston-Salem, which developed Eclipse, will present data about its scientific properties. The product is currently being test-marketed in Chattanooga, Tenn. Additionally, public health experts from 10 academic institutions across the nation will give presentations on both the factors contributing to disease from smoking and the public health implications of introducing Eclipse and related products.

Jed Rose and Edward Levin, both associate professors of psychiatry at Duke, will serve as conference moderators and will provide introductory remarks. Levin and Rose both conduct research on nicotine and its effects on the brain. Rose, co-inventor of the nicotine skin patch, Levin and other Duke colleagues are developing an improved skin patch and other smoking cessation treatments.

The conference will be held at Duke's Bryan Center in the Von Canon Room from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance registration is required.

Members of the media may attend all sessions. However, audio- and video-recording and photography are not allowed during the scientific sessions. Conference organizers request that members of the media hold all questions until the break periods. Scientists will be available for individual interviews during the breaks and after the conference has concluded.

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