Noted Duke Researchers to Speak at Symposium
From the archives. Content may be out of date.
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - Joseph Nevins, James B. Duke professor and chairman of the department of genetics at Duke University Medical Center (DUMC), and Dr. Randy Bollinger, professor of immunology and professor and chief of the division of general surgery at DUMC, will speak at the "Controversies in Science" symposium for journalists on Oct. 26 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Nevins will present during "The Genomic Revolution: Promises and Perils" panel portion of the symposium. His research interests focus on the regulation of gene expression during cell growth and on the mechanisms of oncogenic transformation. Nevins has published extensively in these fields and holds a U.S. patent for "Method of assaying for the oncogenic state of cells."
Bollinger's primary research interests lie in organ transplantation, particularly of the kidney, pancreas and liver. He has published extensively on development of kidney transplantation, and has written many papers on organ use and allocation issues. Bollinger has been instrumental in the development of the Duke Comprehensive Transplant Center. He will present during "The Organ Shortage: An Ethical and Research Challenge" panel.
The symposium, sponsored by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Mass Communication, is intended for reporters, editors and producers who are interested in a better understanding of the science behind, and the controversies surrounding, the latest advances in medical research. The symposium will take place in Carroll Hall on the UNC campus. Registration is $75; the deadline is Oct. 18.
For more information contact Sabrina Davis, director of executive education in the UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communication, at (919) 966-7024.