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A Message From the News Office Director…

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A Message From the News Office Director…
A Message From the News Office Director…

It has been one year since we completely revamped our on-line news room for reporters in order to serve you better. We have studied what journalists want, worked with web designers to enhance navigability, tested our new site with journalists before bringing it on-line, and continue to work each day to improve the site.

Duke University Medical Center and Health System is a world-class medical and research institution; we needed to have a top notch on-line press room in order to help you access some of the exciting research, teaching and patient care being performed here.

According to our usage reports, the increased numbers of reporters using this site from July 2001 to the present is impressive. Each month, we easily get hundreds of media to visit and use the site. Nevertheless, we can always improve. Please give me your comments on what works for you on this site and what we can improve (my email address is: molte001@mc.duke.edu).

Additionally, we have added a new URL to make our site easier to remember -- http://dukemednews.org. You also can still use the existing URL -- http://dukemednews.duke.edu.

We will soon be adding enhanced video on this site to provide broadcast outlets with better service and have already added more consumer news to the site.

Nevertheless, we would like to hear from reporters and writers about ways we can help them better cover health and medicine utilizing Duke Medical Center health care professionals through our site dukemednews.org or through our News Office (919-684-4148). We value and use your input.

Jeff Molter
Duke University Medical Center and Health System
News Office

News & Media Front Page