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Health Care IT Leader Art Glasgow Named CIO for Duke Medicine

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Health Care IT Leader Art Glasgow Named CIO for Duke Medicine
Health Care IT Leader Art Glasgow Named CIO for Duke Medicine

Art Glasgow, currently chief technology officer for Ingenix, a leading informatics company that supports United HealthCare and other clients, has been named chief information officer (CIO) for Duke Medicine.  

The announcement was made by Victor J. Dzau, MD, Duke University chancellor for health affairs and CEO of Duke University Health System. Glasgow will begin at Duke Medicine on May 1.

“Art is recognized as one of the country’s leading experts in health care information technology strategies and solutions,” Dzau said. “In addition to his IT expertise, Art will bring an important perspective to our executive leadership team as he has a unique, direct and current understanding of the directions in which the health care delivery market is headed.”

Glasgow was Duke’s top choice following a national search that identified several candidates considered to be national IT thought leaders at some of the country's most prestigious health care institutions and companies.

While at Ingenix, Glasgow led the company's provision of informatics, consulting and software solutions to the nearly 6,000 hospitals that company serves, as well as to clients in the payer and pharmaceutical markets.

His leadership achievements at Ingenix have included the integration of over 20 acquisitions, product management responsibility across the organization, support of United HealthCare's recently acquired physician groups, network and desktop support, and support of externally facing software.

As Ingenix’s chief technology officer, he led a team of more than 1,500 and managed an annual budget of more than $300 million.

Prior to his role with Ingenix, he held senior leadership positions with nationally recognized electronic medical records vendors and innovative IT start-up companies. Glasgow is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy.

Duke Medicine is an internationally recognized academic health sciences system based in Durham.

Duke Medicine combines one of the nation’s premier health care delivery systems and Duke University School of Medicine, one of the largest biomedical research enterprises in the United States, a leading School of Nursing, and the innovative Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School in Singapore.

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