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Final test results negative for Ebola in hospitalized patient

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Final test results negative for Ebola in hospitalized patient
Final test results negative for Ebola in hospitalized patient

The patient who was transported to Duke University Hospital on November 2 with a reported fever and a travel history to West Africa has tested negative for Ebola in a confirmatory lab test.  As a result, the patient is considered to be free of the virus.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) notified Duke of these results this evening which support the findings of the preliminary test conducted on November 3 that was negative for the virus.

With the possibility of current Ebola infection ruled out, the patient will be discharged and will begin an ongoing surveillance plan with NCDHHS through the remainder of the 21 days since traveling from West Africa.

While the outcome was favorable for this patient, Ebola continues to be a growing global healthcare challenge so Duke remains vigilant in screening patients at all of our intake points and will continue refining preparedness efforts in our hospitals and clinics. 

To learn more, visit our Ebola resources website.

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