Duke’s Hubert-Yeargan Center for Global Health Receives $5 Million
From the corporate.dukehealth.org archives. Content may be out of date.
DURHAM, N.C. -- Duke University's Hubert-Yeargan Center for
Global Health has received a $5 million gift from the Hubert
Family Trust of Atlanta, Duke President Richard H. Brodhead
The gift is the second from the Hubert Family Trust to the
center, which partners with clinical and research groups in
developing countries to improve health by teaching students and
health care professionals and by supporting collaborative
research intended to reduce the burden of disease.
"The Hubert family's partnerships in global health -- with
Duke and many other academic and charitable organizations --
have been characterized by a wonderful spirit of collaboration
and service; knowledge of the complex issues involved; respect
for other cultures; and a genuine desire to raise awareness,
understanding and interest in global health among future
leaders," Brodhead said. "We are very grateful for the family's
vision and generosity to Duke."
The Hubert-Yeargan Center, led by G. Ralph Corey, M.D., the
Gary M. Hock Distinguished University Professor of Global
Health, was established in 2004 with a $2 million gift from the
Hubert Family Trust and a $4 million gift from the Yeargan
Charitable Foundation Trust of Garner, N.C. The center grew out
of several international projects begun by Duke Medicine's
Division of Infectious Diseases in 1986 to study HIV/ AIDS,
malaria, tuberculosis and other diseases and to provide
international health education and service opportunities for
the division's residents and fellows.
"I believe one of Duke's most fundamental and noble missions
is taking the medical and scientific knowledge our faculty and
students develop and using it to improve the lives and
well-being of patients around the world," said Victor J. Dzau,
M.D., chancellor for health affairs at Duke and CEO of the Duke
University Health System. "The Hubert-Yeargan Center for Global
Health is an important part of that mission and we are
profoundly grateful to the Hubert Family Trust for the
confidence they have expressed in the work being done there to
educate caregivers and to treat and heal vulnerable and
underserved populations."
Richard N. Hubert, trustee, said the Hubert Family Trust's
gifts to Duke have been encouraged by Duke's commitment to
global health and by the launch this past summer of the Duke
Global Health Institute, which promotes interdisciplinary
education, research and delivery of care to address health gaps
between the poor and the affluent.
"We found what we had started at Duke with Dr. Corey to be a
worthy program, and with the interest of President Brodhead and
Chancellor Dzau, we saw a real opportunity for Duke to become a
principal player in global health," said Hubert, who is a 1957
Duke graduate.
The center runs programs in Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Thailand
and a number of other developing countries.
Other global health programs endowed by the Hubert Family
Trust include the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory
University and agricultural partnerships with charitable and
faith-based organizations in North Korea and Haiti.