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Duke University Health System Facilities Return to Normal Visitor Policies

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Duke University Health System Facilities Return to Normal Visitor Policies
Duke University Health System Facilities Return to Normal Visitor Policies

Given the significant decrease in reported H1N1 influenza activity in the community and the State, Duke University Health System facilities are now operating under normal visitation policies, which removes the temporary age restrictions on visitors that was implemented a few months ago to minimize potential patient exposure to the virus.  

The annual flu season is about to begin so all visitors are reminded to follow standard flu precautions, including good hand hygiene and avoiding visitations if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness.

Health system officials will continue rigorous surveillance for the potential re-emergence of the H1N1 influenza virus and policies may be altered as needed to maintain a safe and supportive environment for patients and staff.

Vaccination remains the most effective protection against a re-emergence of the H1N1 virus.

Members of the community over the age of six months, who do not otherwise have a contraindication, are eligible for the vaccine, which is now readily available in Duke Urgent Care clinics throughout the Triangle. No appointment is necessary and clinics are open seven days a week, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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