Duke University Health System and The United Methodist Retirement Homes: Facts about Our Affiliation
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The United Methodist Retirement Homes
Facts About Our Affiliation
The United Methodist Retirement Homes (UMRH) and Duke University Health System (DUHS) share a common heritage, mission and values, and UMRH will become a part of the DUHS team later this summer. This affiliation will enhance the DUHS mission of providing quality, compassionate services and a full continuum of care for people across east central North Carolina.
UMRH owns and/or manages four retirement communities in North Carolina and is presently building a second community in Durham. All assets will be transferred to a new tax-exempt corporation which will formed as a subsidiary of DUHS (see below).
Owned and Managed by UMRH
Methodist Retirement Community (Durham) consists of 113 independent living units, 49 assisted living units and 125 skilled nursing beds.
Wesley Pines Retirement Community (Lumberton) has 28 independent living units, 28 assisted living units and 62 skilled nursing beds.
Cypres Glen Retirement Community (Greenville) has 88 independent living units, 42 assisted living units and 30 skilled nursing beds. An additional 30 independent living units are under construction.
Managed by UMRH (to be acquired later this year)
Quail Haven (Pinehurst) consists of 97 independent living units, 66 assisted living units and 60 skilled nursing beds, with 32 additional assisted living units proposed.
Under Construction
Croasdaile Village Retirement Community (Durham) will have 257 independent living units, 86 assisted living units, 83 skilled nursing beds and 30 special care beds. Over 80% of the units have already been reserved, and occupancy is expected in July 1999.
A tax-exempt corporation, United Methodist Retirement Services Inc., will be formed as a subsidiary of DUHS to own and manage the facilities.
The N.C. Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church will provide input into management by appointing 21 members of the governing Board of Trustees.
DUHS will appoint five additional members of the board.
DUHS Commitments
DUHS will assume all contracts, liabilities and commitments of UMRH.
DUHS will reserve one seat on its Board of Directors for UMRH.
DUHS will make a financial commitment to enhance the continued growth and development of the mission and strategic plans of the corporation.