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Duke to provide chemical information to affected patients

archive alert From the corporate.dukehealth.org archives. Content may be out of date.

Duke to provide chemical information to affected patients
Duke to provide chemical information to affected patients

In the letter we sent to patients on Monday, June 27, we explained that
Exxon-Mobil provided the chemical ingredients of the hydraulic fluid to Duke
on June 7 with the condition that this information be made available only to
the scientists conducting the chemical analysis on Duke's behalf. On June
27, Duke with Exxon Mobil's ok, agreed to a court decree to provide the
information directly to seven patients and their attorneys in a court

The information in our letter was accurate at the time it was sent to
patients. We are pleased that on the evening of June 28, Exxon-Mobil
notified Duke through our attorneys that we are now free to share the
information with all patients without the need for a confidentiality
agreement. We will provide this information to affected patients upon their
request. Interested patients should call our information hotline at
919-286-3232, ext. 223.

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