Duke Physician Named to Panel That Makes National Care Recommendations
From the corporate.dukehealth.org archives. Content may be out of date.
DURHAM, N.C. – Alex Kemper, M.D., associate chief for research in the Division of Children’s Primary Care and professor of pediatrics, has been appointed to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force as one of its newest members.
“On behalf of my fellow Task Force members, I am very pleased to welcome Dr. Alex Kemper to the Task Force,” said Dr. Virginia Moyer, Task Force chair. “Dr. Kemper’s work in pediatrics includes extensive experience in prevention and a commitment to improving health care quality through reinforced connections between primary care, specialty care, and public health. I look forward to working with him to fulfill the Task Force’s mission of improving clinical preventive care for all Americans.”
The Task Force (www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org) is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine. Members come from many health-related fields, including internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, behavioral health, obstetrics/gynecology, and nursing. Members are appointed to serve a 4-year term by the director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with guidance from Task Force leadership.
Dr. Kemper is a board-certified pediatrician and professor of pediatrics at Duke University Medical School. He serves as the associate division chief for research in the Division of Children’s Primary Care at Duke University. His clinical and research interests include pediatric primary care, prevention, and public health services. Dr. Kemper is also the deputy editor of Pediatrics, the leading journal in the nation covering issues of child health.