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Duke Physician Named Chairman Of Radiation Oncology

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Duke Physician Named Chairman Of Radiation Oncology
Duke Physician Named Chairman Of Radiation Oncology

DURHAM, N.C. -- Dr. Edward C. Halperin, professor and vice chairman of radiation oncology and associate professor of pediatrics at Duke University Medical Center, has been named the next chairman of Duke's department of radiation oncology.

Dr. Ralph Snyderman, chancellor for health affairs and dean of the school of medicine, announced the appointment, effective Friday.

Halperin, 42, is internationally known for his work in treating cancerous tumors, particularly brain tumors in children. He has been a faculty member in Duke's department of radiation oncology for 13 years.

Dr. Leonard Prosnitz, the current department chairman, announced he would step down as chairman last year after 13 years to devote more time to patient care, research and teaching. Halperin was chosen as a successor after a national search.

"Dr. Halperin is an outstanding physician-researcher who has made significant contributions to the treatment of cancers, particularly in children, and in organ transplantation," Snyderman said. "His leadership skills and experience make him an ideal choice to lead the department of radiation oncology into the next century."

Halperin is the author of more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific articles, as well as two editions of a book on pediatric radiation oncology. He serves as deputy editor of the North Carolina Medical Journal and was named one of the "Best Doctors in America," by American Health magazine in March 1996.

Working with physicians and researchers in Duke's pediatric and adult brain tumor clinics, Halperin develops treatment strategies for the most difficult-to-treat tumors. Early in his career, Halperin was instrumental in developing strategies for suppressing the immune system to make kidney and heart transplantation more successful. He continues this research, working to make transplantation of organs between species a practical option.

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