Duke Hospital Limits Visitors to Prevent Spread of the Flu
From the corporate.dukehealth.org archives. Content may be out of date.
Durham, N.C. -- With flu season peaking, Duke University Hospital is limiting visitors to prevent the illness from spreading to patients.
The visit limits will remain in effect until the flu peak passes, which likely will take at least a week. The situation will be evaluated day-by-day, says Mary Oden, the hospital's infection control director.
"We're trying to be proactive in limiting the amount of exposure patients get," Oden says.
In intensive-care units and other high-risk units, visits will be limited to essential hospital personnel and the closest family member with no symptoms of influenza. In lower-risk units, including the Emergency Department, visits will be limited to essential family members who have no symptoms of the flu.
"If you have a cold or the flu, don't come to visit at all," Oden says.
The high-risk units include the surgical, cardiothoracic, neurological, coronary care, pediatric and 7200 medical intensive care units, plus the intensive-care nursery and the 5100, 5200, 5300, 7800, 9100, 9200 and 9300 floors.