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Events and Messages

Honoring our veterans today and every day


Dear Colleagues,

Today, we observe Veterans Day. It is a day we celebrate all those who have served and continue to serve our nation with honor and distinction.

At Duke University and Duke Health, we are enormously proud of our more than 1,000 military veterans. I can think of no better example of our Duke Health values of Excellence, Integrity, Teamwork, Respect and Innovation than the heroic efforts of our veteran colleagues who have sacrificed tremendously to protect our nation and now contribute greatly to enrich our academic, patient care and community health missions.   

We truly honor the diverse talents, skills and experiences of our veterans. To capitalize on their strengths, we established the Duke Military Association -- an affinity group that brings together veterans, their loved ones and their allies to build camaraderie, advocate for good, and serve our communities. We are grateful for what you have done for our country and how you carry out that service at Duke.

As we honor veterans today, it’s also important to acknowledge that the transition from military service to civilian life can be challenging. Through our partnership with the VA in Durham and through our Personal Assistance Service, please know resources exist to care for your physical and emotional health. You have supported us, and we are committed to supporting you.

To all in Duke Health, I invite you to pause and salute the men and women who have served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard and Reserve. Let us also express our gratitude to their families and loved ones, who have supported their decisions to serve. The freedoms we enjoy each and every day are a result of their courage, dedication, and sacrifice.


A. Eugene Washington, M.D.
Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University
President and CEO, Duke University Health System

Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 9:05 am
Events and Messages