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Chancellor Washington hosts event to honor and celebrate Duke Health employees

On Jan. 28, 2020, Duke University Chancellor for Health Affairs A. Eugene Washington, MD, hosted the first ever Duke Health Live Event for all Duke Health employees.

On Jan. 28, 2020, Duke University Chancellor for Health Affairs A. Eugene Washington, MD, hosted the first ever Duke Health Live Event for all Duke Health employees.

At the event, the Chancellor reflected on the tremendous achievements and significant contributions of Duke Health employees at all institutional levels over the past five years in core mission areas of patient care, research, education and community and global health.

In his introductory remarks, Chancellor Washington invited the audience of more than 1,000 people, including nearly 250 people in attendance in the Great Hall at Trent Semans Center on the Duke University medical campus and more than 800 watching via live stream and at viewing parties held at other Duke Health locations, to “go back 90 years to 1930. That’s when Duke University Hospital opened its doors to its first patients, and medical school classes began with the School of Nursing opening the following year.”  

He later said, “Today, I am pleased, proud and excited to share with you the many ways we have delivered on our promise – as we proclaimed in our Duke Health Strategic Plan – to seize this golden moment to make our mark on this golden era to the benefit of humankind everywhere.” And he asked, “Why am I pleased? Why am I proud? Why am I excited?” To which Washington responded, “You’re why.”

Three videos highlighting patient care, research and global health accomplishments were shown at this event.

The Chancellor encouraged faculty, staff and students to be on the lookout for posters displayed in Duke Health facilities highlighting the work of employees and to watch for commercials, ads and billboards promoting the newly launched “You’re Why” campaign, which reinforces Duke Health employees’ commitment to fulfilling our missions while Advancing Health Together.

“In closing, I want to look ahead to 2030 – our 100th anniversary. Will we have seized our golden moment like our founding leaders? To this question, I answer absolutely!  You’re why,” said Washington. “Thank you for all you do at Duke Health.”

The full presentation is available here.

Specific portions of the event are also available, including remarks from the Chancellor on patient care and education, as well as research and community and global health.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 12:00 pm
Events and Messages